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Sold By:Kaloegreen

The combava is a citrus fruit that grows in several regions of Madagascar. Its bumpy skin and its acidic and lemongrass-like flavor differentiate it from other citrus fruits.

The fruit is consumed in its powder and its essential oil is also very appreciated and used for its medicinal virtues.

This small fruit, recognizable by its blistered rind, is prized for its unique subtle lemon fragrance. The combava allows to raise the taste in your sweetened or salted cooked dishes.

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Thanks to its richness in vitamin C, combava is an ideal partner to fight the symptoms of winter diseases such as colds, flu and bronchitis.

Indeed, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the immune system and fight against cellular aging.

The essential oil of combava contains terpene aldehydes and esters which relieve rheumatic and muscular pains by their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action.

Its peel, leaves and juice are used in refreshing drinks. The leaves of combava are also used in infusion. Its powder enhances and flavors cooked dishes and is also incorporated in the preparations of chocolate makers.

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