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Sold By:Kaloegreen

Clove is a spice known for its deep aroma.

Clove or Eugenia caryophyllata is also referred to by the Latin name Syzigium aromaticum.

Clove is actually the unopened flower or firm bud of the clove tree.

Due to the presence of eugenol (the main active ingredient), clove is often used for dental care and provides mental energy and helps strengthen the body's natural resistance. 

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Clove is a spice known for its deep aroma.

Clove or Eugenia caryophyllata is also referred to by the Latin name Syzigium aromaticum.

Clove is actually the unopened flower or firm bud of the clove tree.

Due to the presence of eugenol (the main active ingredient), clove is often used for dental care and provides mental energy and helps strengthen the body's natural resistance. 

Antiseptic, anti-infectious and antibacterial with broad spectrum of action. The cloves are used for example for example used against urinary infections like cystitis and kidney stones.

Antifungal and antiparasitic, the clove has in particular a vermifuge action on the tapeworm.

Stomachic: the flavour of the clove favours the digestion. Its aromatic compounds make it possible to fight against the evils of stomach (distension, aerophagy, gastric genes).

Analgesic: this action is fast on the dental pains.

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